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Client Premieres New PBS Series about Ancient Rome

Aug 2, 2024

We are thrilled about the launch of our client’s newest television series, “Life in Ancient Times with Darius Arya.” Our client, Darius Arya, has hosted a number of television series, and this newest one launched on PBS on July 31.

Darius is an archaeologist, public historian, author, social media influencer, and TV host based in Rome, Italy. He’s a Fulbright scholar, fellow of the American Academy in Rome, and guest scholar of Getty Conservation Institute. He directs the American Institute for Roman Culture and its online learning platform Ancient Rome Live. Darius has led excavations (Rome, Ostia Antica) and taught university programs in Italy for over 17 years. He works around the globe, with a focus on Rome and the Roman Empire. He directs educational programs, leads lecture series and heritage preservation initiatives, specialized tours, and features in or hosts TV shows for US, Italy, and other European programs.

We are proud to have worked with Darius on negotiating and drafting the agreement for this exciting new PBS series. You can watch episodes here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1UJJvafCqM
