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Art and IP Law Blog

Italy’s Fight for the Getty Bronze

For years, we’ve been followed the dispute over the Getty Bronze. In 2010, our founder had the honor of meeting and conferring with state attorney Maurizio Fiorilli. Referred to as the “scourge of the tomb raiders,” or simply as “il Bulldog,” Fiorilli is recognized...

Developments in AI are occurring at break-neck speed. Read our blog post to read more about this fascinating area of the law, including new case law and government guidelines concerning the use of this evolving technology. #AI #IPLaw #copyright #artlaw

Happy Halloweek! Collectors hunt for all types of treasures, including haunted and paranormal artifacts. Read more here: https://www.artandiplawfirm.com/macabre-collectors/
BTW, does the photo below show the spirits of LaLaurie Mansion? You decide....

Italy has faced its fair share of art crimes, and it has worked hard to protect its valuable heritage during the centuries. Read about some of the art crimes in this blog post: https://www.artandiplawfirm.com/art-crime-in-italy/

Our founder @LAmineddoleh was recently quoted in @artnews about a recently dismissed case in SDNY. The dispute involved claims that the painting in question, a Picasso painting valued at $150 million, was sold under duress during the Nazi Era.  https://www.artandiplawfirm.com/nazi-era-art-disputes-and-duress-sales/

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